Anne Shirley has been an inspiration to many young heroines. Her words can have a great impact on every day life, and although she may talk too much, Anne wouldn't be Anne without her energetic imagination and powerful words.
Our staff at Sullivan Entertainment came together to develop our list of top ten powerful quotes spoken by Anne Shirley herself! Each quote shares Anne Shirley's unique personality and memorable scenes from Sullivan Entertainment's Anne of Green Gables. Some quotes were written by L.M. Montgomery and others adapted from Sullivan Entertainment, can you guess which quotes are scripted?
1. "Aren't you worried? I'm liable to break another slate over your head."

2. "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

3. "This is a wound I shall bear forever."

4. "My life is a graveyard of buried hopes"

5. "Plain, old, unromantic Anne Shirley."

6. “Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I’d go out into a great big field, all alone. I’d look up into the sky. I’d imagine it was the dome of a great cathedral.”

7. "But I cannot imagine that red hair away... It will be my lifelong sorrow."

8. "That's the one good thing about me. I never do the same wrong thing twice."

9. "It would be such a romantic experience nearly to drown."

10. "Please go away, Marilla. I'm in the depths of despair."

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