Morgan Harris (portrayed by Frank Converse) is the widowed father of Anne’s student Emmeline Harris. Morgan takes a shine to Anne and her feisty personality after their many encounters. Anne is swayed by Morgan’s debonair character and the many opportunities a life with him would hold. She ultimately rebuffs his romantic advances and returns to the serenity of Prince Edward Island.
After playing the wealthy bachelor who tries unsuccessfully to woo Anne in Anne of Avonlea, Frank Converse went on to perform in a number of television’s most popular dramas, including Murder She Wrote, All My Children, The Practice and Law & Order. He starred alongside Blythe Danner and Bing Crosby in the miniseries Dr. Cook’s Garden and was seen in some of the 70’s biggest hit shows, such as The Mod Squad, The Love Boat, Rhoda and Bionic Woman.