It's been 110 years since L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables was published. Anne Shirley has been an inspiration for many young readers, all around the world. Here are 110 things Anne Shirley has taught us:
- You don't need to be blood to be family
- Cover the plum pudding
- Keep your imagination active, it makes life more interesting
- Fall in love with your best friend
- Don't accept a dare to impress someone
- Keep your head up when things are down

- Speak your mind freely
- Love the way you are
- It's important to spell names correctly
- Keep your bosom friends close
- Read as much as you can
- Write from the heart
- Discover the world around you
- Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty
- Know the difference between raspberry cordial and currant wine
- Always come back home
- Money does not mean happiness
- Dress well
- Hard work will pay off
- Never give up
- Keep searching for the life you're looking for

- Never attempt to dye your hair alone
- Put your mistakes behind you
- Defend yourself against false accusations
- Being smart is better than being pretty
- Keep writing through all the rejection letters
- You're never too old to play
- Practice good vocabulary
- Wear what you feel best in
- Be kind to everyone
- Keep a lookout for kindred spirits
- Teach what you love
- Practice patience

- Never stop fighting for the one you love
- Just be yourself
- Ignore the Josie Pye's in life
- Be humble
- Let yourself feel passionate about the things you love
- Open the door to new opportunities
- If something isn't working, fix it
- Don't lose hope
- Know how to spell C-H-R-Y-S-A-N-T-H-E-M-U-M
- Learn from your mistakes
- Go after your dreams
- Let others help you when you have to make difficult choices
- Be thoughful
- Keep learning
- Ask for help when you need it
- Put your mind in the right attitude
- Be ambitious! It makes life more interesting
- "Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing"
- Learn from your mistakes

- Bring something joyful to the world
- Look forward to the little things
- Trust that everything will fall into place
- Don't settle for someone you don't truly love
- Trust that every mistake leads to a brighter future
- Never let others call you names like "carrots"
- Keep studying
- Don't let good things go to waste
- Travel across the world for someone you love
- Don't be afraid of things you can control
- Impress people with your wisdom
- Give second chances
- Remember where you came from
- Appreciate the time you spend with others
- Make some time for yourself
- Read out loud
- Tell the truth when others need to hear it
- Nobody cares if you wear the same thing twice
- Love yourself
- No need to stay proper all the time
- Standing out is not a bad thing
- Be a good friend
- Forgive and ask to be forgiven
- Be sincere

- Look forward to the future
- Appreciate your education
- Life is not a fairytale
- Find a balance between imagination and the real world
- Trust your gut
- Share your opinion
- Maintain your dignity
- Never hide your excitement
- Laugh at your mistakes
- Be selfless and make personal sacrafices
- Don't sweat the small stuff
- It takes time to love yourself

- Share the best moments in life with your bosom friend
- Everything is a learning experience
- Cherish your family
- "There is always another bend in the road"
- Live life full of confidence
- Surround yourself with kindred spirits
- You don't need plenty of friends to be happy
- Trust the people who want to help you
- There's beauty in everything
- Life is full of surprises and unexpected gifts
- Ask for advice from bosom friends
- Everyday is a new opportunity to learn something new
- Wait to marry someone you truly love

- Adventures keep you young
- Never chase a cow if you're wearing white
- Don't fall asleep while fishing for lake trout
- Never wear a sour expression twice
- Always say yes when someone asks you to dance
- Work up the courage to speak publicly
- Never forget the people who love you
- You're never too old to find love
- Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it
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