Have you ever considered the meaning behind your name and whether it’s true? All names have a meaning behind them, some kind of explanation of what they embody, what they represent. Your name might come from a Celtic origin and mean something like "Sheppard" or "pure" for example, or come from Latin, like mine, and mean something like "dark" or "beloved". But do people’s names really fit them or do we grow to fit the meaning behind our names? Perhaps it’s easier when the person being named is fictional.
Take Anne for example. The name Anne is of Hebrew origin and means "grace" and "God has favoured me". People who are named Anne are said to have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others. It's also said that they have an aptitude for understanding and learning and that they tend to be mystics, philosophers, scholars, and teachers and to live in their minds.

I think this fits Anne Shirley almost to a T. Or should I say E? She is someone who certainly had a desire for a stable and loving family, for a community and a place to belong. She loves to help others and always tries to see the best in them. Anne is also whip smart and picks up on things quite quickly. After all, she did tie with Gilbert for first place in their examination results and go on to be both a teacher and a writer. And I think we can agree that Anne does live in her head a lot of the time, especially when she is younger, letting her imagination soar.
L.M. Montgomery made the perfect choice when naming her heroine and whether she knew that the character she was creating would fit the meaning behind her name so well, I cannot say. When it comes to Anne with an ‘E’ anything is possible!
What is the meaning behind your name? Do you think it fits you? For more Anne visit GazbeoTV or our shop.
By Adriana Pacheco, Sullivan Entertainment