“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers” - L.M. Montgomery
Because that means we have Halloween and the countdown is on! This year Halloween might be a bit different, but you can still have fun in your social bubble. Here are three Anne of Green Gables inspired costumes that will help you get in the spirit of the season!
Dressing up as your favourite redhead is actually pretty easy! All you need to do is go to your local thrift store and find a vintage-style dress (floral print dresses work best if you want to be more authentic to the 1985 film), a plain apron that ties or buttons at the back, and a pair of black lace-up women’s boots. Make Anne actress Megan Follows proud! Of course, no Anne Shirley costume is complete without a straw hat and iconic red hair! If you're not a natural redhead, don't worry; a hat and wig can likely be sourced online. But if you want the official Anne hat with braids, get it from Shop At Sullivan.
Are you up for a challenge? Make Anne’s lovely wedding gown using the real dress pattern. Instead of dressing up as the classic Anne Shirley, you can wear her wedding outfit from Sullivan Entertainment's Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story!
Every Anne needs a Gilbert! Create a classic “boy next door” costume with a couple quick tips. First, find a pair of black suspenders (Walmart or online would likely be the best place to source these). You will need a white, button-up shirt (but any colour will do) and if you are going with a patterned shirt, stripes look best! You’ll also need a pair of black or brown trousers, men’s lace-up boots (black), and a Paper Boy Hat (preferably grey). You'll look just like Gilbert actor Jonathan Crombie in no time! For more inspiration on your Gilbert Blythe look, watch the Anne of Green Gables trilogy.
Diana Barry Costume
Diana is a lady of class who always sports the latest fashion. We drew inspiration for this costume from Diana Barry’s outfits in Anne of Avonlea. To create the perfect “kindred spirit” costume, you will need a long, lacy dress and a petticoat easily found on Etsy to make sure that the skirt has lots of flounce! You will also need a wide-brimmed straw hat with a fancy-looking ribbon. Top off the look with a pair of white gloves, a beaded necklace, and our delicate Kindred Spirits metal cuff. You'll be able to pull off the look just like Diana actress Schuyler Grant!
These DIY costumes can also be worn for tea parties, period-themed dress up parties, or any other time of year you want to embody your favourite Avonlea characters!