English Words Used In the 1900s

Agatha Krzewinski

Every year new words are added to the dictionary to reflect the evolution of the English language. New words are added when many people use it in conversation, which eventually spreads and becomes noticed by dictionary editors or lexicographers from dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster or the Oxford English Dictionary.


But if you’re reading one of L.M. Montgomery’s books you’ve probably noticed several English words constantly popping up, but rarely heard today in everyday conversation. Here is a list words that were more commonly spoken in the 1900s. The next time you’re having a coffee or tea with friends, learn to talk like a person from the 21st century and take everyone by surprise!


My own darling Diana:-
Of course I am not cross at you because you have to obey your mother.
-Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery


It is lovely to be with father again, though. He is such a darling.
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


No wonder she had been so delighted at the prospect of a real home.
-Anne of Green Gables,  L.M. Montgomery


Please go away Marilla. I’m in the depths of despair!
-Anne  of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery


I did not say one word and that seemed to discomfit him more than anything else.
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


Mrs. K. got us lunch and we all sat around the table and told ghost stories until I vow when I got home I sneaked upstairs in mortal terror and stood with my back to the wall all the time I was undressing so I couldn’t fancy there was anything behind me!
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


This morning Mollie and I concluded that it was really too fine to spend the whole forenoon cooped up in school so we decided to try to get out together.
-The  Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910



He kept me in at dinner-time to lecture me on my “haughty manner of speaking”
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


Nothing would do but we must turn back and go with them, so we did and a right jolly walk we had.
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910



“If I had known that tomorrow might be the Judgement Day I wouldn’t have quarreled with you last Monday, Sara Stanley”
-The Story Girl,  L.M. Montgomery


He is simply intolerable- sulky, jealous, meddlesome ,querulous
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


Her sensitive little face suddenly flushed scarlet and embarrassment sat on her brow.
-Anne  of Green Gables, L.M.  Montgomery


I was invited to spend the evening at the Kennedy’s and of course we had a scrumptious time.
-The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery Volume I: 1889-1910


The magic lantern show was a splendid one.
-The Story Girl  by L.M. Montgomery

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